Sermon Notes (12.18.22)

Advent Week 4  – Hope for Our Guilt and Shame

Jude 24-25

24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

Where We’re Going

a. In God’s Gaze…

b. Blameless…

c. With Great Joy

How We’ll Get There

a. We’re in God’s Grip of Grace…

b. And He’ll Never Let Us Go

A Prayer for Salvation

“Heavenly Father, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but through your Son Jesus I can be more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you that he lived the life I should have lived and paid the debt and punishment I owed. Receive me now for his sake. I turn from my sins and receive him as Savior. Amen.”

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