Latest Updates - CPWP and COVID-19

March 18, 2020 2:30 AM

March 17, 2020

Dear Church Family, Wow. What a wild ride it has been these past few days. And as each day passes, it becomes more and more likely that we have a long road ahead of us. Yet, in the midst of this upheaval and disruption, I have been so encouraged by how the church has responded…both CPWP, and the universal church. All of us working together to try and best love our community and point them to Jesus. It is to that end, that I want to get you the latest information as to our plans as CrossPointe Winter Park. Until further notice, our Sunday morning services are canceled. In the meantime, we will be doing a live-stream every Sunday at 10:00 am. You can access the livestream on our website at or via Facebook Live at You can expect a time of worship through songs, prayer, and preaching. Though this can’t replicate our in-person gathering, we do believe Jesus will meet us during this time. I would encourage you to block that hour aside each Sunday, and if you’re viewing on Facebook or directly on YouTube, make use of the comments section and let’s be as interactive as we can!
However, and this is super important, we will not be allowing anyone to attend the livestream at The Branch. Though it pains us to say this, we want to comply with best practices of social distancing.
I also want you to know that the staff and elders are putting together additional opportunities to connect, even if it is digitally. Please be checking our central hub at to stay in the loop. Additionally, we have put together a Coronavirus Care page. Here you will find ways to communicate any needs you have, request prayer, contribute to our benevolence fund, and also learn of other opportunities to be the church. I would also encourage you to follow our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) to find updates, words of encouragement, and a form of connection while we are more isolated than the norm. I’m sure I have overlooked some details, and so please don’t hesitate to reach out by contacting the elders at In closing, I would love to give you a prayer to pray from The Valley of Vision. It’s entitled Peril...but don't worry, it's a great encouragement. I hope you will take a moment to pray it silently, or perhaps with your family or a friend. Sovereign Commander of the Universe, I am sadly harassed by doubts, fears, unbelief, in a felt spiritual darkness. My heart is full of evil surmisings and disquietude, and I cannot act faith at all. My heavenly Pilot has disappeard, and I have lost my hold on the Rock of Ages; I sink in deep mire beneath storms and waves, in horror and distress unutterable. Help me, O Lord, to throw myself absolutely and wholly on thee, for better, for worse, without comfort, and all but hopeless. Give me peace of soul, confidence, enlargement of mind, morning joy that comes after night heaviness; Water my soul with divine blessings; Grant that I may welcome that humbling in private so that I might enjoy thee in public; Give me a mountain top as high as the valley is low. Thy grace can melt the worst sinner, and I am as vile as he; Yet thou hast made me a monument of mercy, a trophy of redeeming power; In my distress let me not forget this. All-wise God, Thy never-failing providence orders every event, sweetens every fear, reveals evil’s presence lurking in seeming good, brings real good out of seeming evil, makes unsatisfactory what I set my heart upon, to show me what a short-sighted creature I am, and to teach me to live by faith upon thy blessed self. Out of sorrow and night give me the name Naphtali – ‘satisfied with favour’ – help me to love thee as thy child, and to walk worthy of my heavenly pedigree. Grace and Peace, Pastor Jamie