The Parable of the Lost Sheep
March 19, 2023
Community Group Questions:
- Describe a time where you lost something and the feelings you experienced? What did you feel if it was found? What did you feel if it was never recovered?
- Read Luke 15:1-7 — What is one thing that stands out to you from the passage or from the sermon this past Sunday?
- What can we discern about the ministry of Jesus from v. 1-2?
- Do you see yourself as a sheep? What makes it a struggle to view yourself this way? What can we learn about ourselves through the sheep imagery?
- What encouragement do you find in the pursuit of the shepherd?
- On Sunday it was said, “The shepherd is far more interested in saving us than we are of being saved.” Do you agree with that statement? Why?
- Read Ezekiel 34:11-16 — How is Jesus the fulfillment of these promises?
- As a disciple of Jesus, who is He sending you to pursue? Take time to pray for that person.