Pulpit. Chair. Table. Square.
We believe there are 4 practices, habits, rhythms (call them what you like), that will grow you as a follower of Jesus. Where you won’t be stuck. Where you’ll come to Know God, Find Freedom, Experience Belonging, and Seek Renewal.
The Pulpit
This image is meant to call your attention to your need to gather weekly for our Sunday service. We will call and equip people to gather for expository preaching, worship through song, tithing, and sacraments.
The Chair
This image is meant to call your attention to your need to practice inward spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible reading, meditation, and fasting.
The Table
This image is meant to call your attention to your need to engage in gospel-centered relationships. To this end we encourage everyone to Join a Group.
The Square
This image is meant to call your attention to your need to live for the good of others. We will call and equip you to live on mission in the public square.